Aspire Triton Review – Top Filling Sub Ohm Tank
Today we review the Aspire Triton sub ohm tank. The Aspire Triton is Aspires latest sub ohm tank and follows on from their already impressive Aspire 2 tank.
The Aspire Triton is a top filling sub ohm tank with a 3.5ml tank capacity. The Aspire Triton comes with 0.4ohm and 1.8ohm coils. The 0.4ohm coil is capable of 25-30W and the 1.8ohm coil is intended for mouth to lung vaping at 10-13W. There is also a 0.3ohm coil option available capable of 55-65W.
Interestingly enough the 0.3 and 0.4ohm coils are stainless steel coil heads, like we have seen on the Crown Uwell. The 1.8ohm coil uses traditional Kanthal and is intended for mouth to lung vaping and could therefore make the Triton an alternative for the wildly popular Nautilus and Nautilus Mini.
There is also an RBA section (RTA as Aspire call it) available to be purchased separately for $12. The Aspire Triton tank is currently priced at $50 on the Aspire site, but I am sure this will fall slightly when it hits the shops to around $45.
Aspire Triton Specs and Features
Kit Content
- 1 x Triton sub ohm tank
- 1 x 0.4ohm coil installed
- 1 x 1.8ohm spare coil
- Price: $50
- Wattage Range: 0.3ohm (55-65W)
- 0.4ohm (25-30W)
- 1.8ohm (10-13W)
- Tank Capacity: 3.5ml
- Coils Available: 0.3ohm
- 0.4ohm & 1.8ohm
- Wicking material: 100% Organic Japanese Cotton
- RBA: RBA/RTA deck can be purchased separately
- Diameter: 22.5mm
Differences between the Triton and the Atlantis 2

Aspire Triton, Aspire Atlantis V2 and Atlantis
- Top filling capability
- Extra 0.5ml capacity (3.5ml instead of 3ml)
- Medical grade Stainless Steel coils on the 0.3 and 0.4ohm coil heads
- Added a 1.8ohm coil for mouth to lung vaping at 10-13W (very impressed with this coil)
- RBA option now available and can be purchased separately
- Protective steel casing around the Pyrex glass
- Removable 510 Drip tip compatible with other drip tips (Atlantis 2 had a wider bore drip tip)
- Heat sink added to the drip tip to help keep it cool
Vaping on the 1.8ohm (Wattage 10-13W)
The 1.8ohm coil is a new addition and is intended for mouth to lung vaping, which will be more suited for slightly higher PG e-juices. We actually tried the 1.8ohm with a 75% VG e-liquid to see how it fared with slightly higher VG.
You will need to close the top air flow for mouth to lung vaping on this coil and restrict the bottom air flow to a small amount for the draw to become tighter.
If you restrict the air flow then you can get a decent mouth to lung draw on this coil. It vapes well between the recommended 10-13W range and is a good mouth to lung vaping option.
We then opened up the air flow and lung inhaled on the coil with the 75% VG e-juice and I have to say the flavor was really nice. It was a completely different flavor compared with the lower resistance stainless steel coils. Having vaped so many lower resistance sub ohm coils, it actually made a nice difference and the flavor was great. You obviously won’t be getting much in the way of clouds, but that is to be expected.
So how does this 1.8ohm coil compare to the BVC coils on the Nautilus Mini for instance? Well I think the flavor is much better and this coil is a very good mouth to lung vape. Even chain vaping it on the high VG juice, it wicked superbly and there were no dry hits. If you want an alternative to the Nautilus for mouth to lung vaping, then the Triton is a good choice and comes with a good amount of e-juice.
Vaping the 0.4ohm stainless steel coil (25-30W)
We used our Fa-Q Miss Samoa max Vg juice as always and vaped this coil on the Innokin Disrupter.
20W – Not much happening at 20W
25W – Ok vapor and ok flavor
30W – Better flavor now and pretty cool vape. Clouds aren’t that big
35W – Coil still wicking well at 35W and no dry hit issues with nice flavor
I’d recommend vaping around 30-35W on the 0.4ohm Triton coil. The tank and vapor stays noticeably cooler then on the 0.3ohm coil. I also think the flavor is better on this coil than on the 0.3ohm coil.
Vaping the 0.3ohm coil (55-65W)
We vaped the Triton 0.3ohm coil on our IPV4 with the same max VG e-juice as above.
50W – Not much vapor and flavor. The Triton tank itself is already getting quite hot!
55W – Warm vape already but still not great flavor or clouds. The bottom of the tank is roasting hot!
60W – Vapor is getting quite hot now and the tank itself is almost too hot to touch, which is a negative. This is despite all air flows being wide open.
65W – Just not getting great flavor and seems to be a bit muted. It isn’t as good as the flavor we got from the 0.4ohm coil.
We were not the biggest fans of the 0.3ohm coil as the flavor for us was slightly muted and the tank itself got considerably warm.

Aspire Triton 1.2, 0.3 and 0.4 Coils
The Aspire Triton is compatible with all the Aspire Atlantis 2 coil heads, so you will be able to use the 0.5ohm and 1ohm coils with this tank. The Vaporshark Ni200 coils will also work well with this tank with a temp sensing mod like the IPV4.

Aspire Triton Top Fill
The Aspire Triton tank is a top filling tank. In order to fill the tank from the top you will need to twist the top of the tank towards the e-liquid logo. This will click nicely into place and you can now fill from the top without any leaking. Just be sure to close it again, by twisting it back to vaping mode once you are done filling it. The juice holes at the top aren’t the biggest, but that shouldn’t be much of an issue.
1.8 ohm coil for mouth to lung
This coil impressed us most and provided a fantastic mouth lung vape with great flavor. I think this coil adds great versatility to the Aspire Triton and will be well suited to those who enjoy mouth to lung vaping. Flavor wise it was more impressive than the Nautilus Mini BVC coils and better then the coil heads on the Ego one. My brother says this will replace his Nautilus as his all day mouth to lung vape.

Aspire Triton Airflow
The Aspire Triton tank is very well built and the whole tank came really clean. The threading on the Triton is great and buttery smooth. Overall the whole tank looks good and feels very well made.
Flavor on the 0.4ohm and 1.8ohm coils was great
The flavor was really good on the 0.4ohm coil head as well as on the 1.8ohm head. I am not sure what was going on with the 0.3ohm head, as we found it to be very muted flavor wise. Perhaps it was a bad coil, so let us know what you thought of the 0.3ohm stainless steel head!
The only other stainless steel coil heads we have tried were on the Crown by Uwell and in my opinion, the flavor on those coils topped the Aspire Triton ones, but the 0.4ohm Triton one wasn’t far off.
I think the 1.8ohm coil for mouth to lung makes this tank quite a versatile one, as it can be used as a sub ohm tank and also as a standard mouth to lung clearomizer with plenty of e-juice. If you factor the other Atlantis 2 coils that can be used with this tank, as well as the additional RBA, then there is plenty of different vaping options for everyone.
There is an RBA section available for the Aspire Triton, which will please many users. However, it does need to be purchased separately for $12, which is a slight shame as I would have liked to have seen it included in the kit given the Triton’s quite hefty price tag.
The Atlantis 2 came with a very wide bore drip tip which meant you couldn’t use your own 510 drip tips. The Triton now has a removable 510 drip tip so you can now use your own drip tips should you want to. The drip tip also features additional air flow and a heat sink to keep the drip tip cool.

Aspire Triton Coil Airflow
The air flow on the Triton is about the same as the Atlantis 2 and provides a great selection of varying draws, depending on how you set the bottom air flow holes and the drip tip air flow. I like that there is the option of having the drip tip air flow and this can be easily opened and closed to find your suited preference.
Steel cover around the tank

Aspire Triton Top Fill Switch
The steel cover is great, in that you are unlikely to break the Pyrex glass tank and it adds extra protection. However, if you do break the glass, you cannot just purchase a new glass and will instead have to purchase a whole new tank. Now, I am not going to test throwing the Triton on the floor to see how easy it is to break the glass, but bear this in mind when you purchase this tank. It is the same sort of tank design as the OBS T-VCT.
Coil sits quite high in the tank
The coil itself sits quite high in the tank. This means that the juice flow holes on the coil also sit quite high. When the e-juice goes below this level and it does with around 0.5ml left in the tank, the coil will start dry hitting as the juice flow holes won’t be covered in e-juice any longer. This means you will always have around 0.5ml of e-juice sitting at the bottom of the tank that can’t be used.
Tank doesn’t come fully apart

Aspire Triton Disassembled
The glass is non-removable and this makes the tank a little tricky to clean and empty of remaining e-liquid. If you want to switch flavors you will need to empty the remaining e-liquid through either the top or through the juice flow holes through the bottom and then rinse out the tank with water. You won’t be able to take the tank fully apart and take the glass out, which is slightly annoying as we like to take the tank apart fully to give it a clean every now and then. It’s not a major negative at all but something that we came across.
The Aspire Triton is currently selling for around $50. It will no doubt get a little cheaper with more vendors stocking it. I still think that even at $45, it is quite expensive. When you consider other sub ohm tanks are retailing around $30 for the same sort of stuff, then $50 is quite steep. The new white and black subtank minis are retailing around $33 and they also include the RBA sections as part of the kit.
RBA not included in the kit
I like that Aspire created an RBA section for the Triton (they call it RTA), but you will need to purchase it separately for another $12, which is a lot when you consider the tank already costs $50. I would like to see it included in the kit for the $50 price tag.
The Triton has 0.5ml more than the Atlantis 2, but I still feel for a sub ohm tank that it needs to have at least 4-5ml. These tanks on the lower ohm coils get through tonnes of e-juice, so having a bigger capacity would be more favourable from my point of view.
The Aspire Triton tank got very hot when using the 0.3ohm coil. At the higher wattages it became so hot you could barely touch it.
Overall I think Aspire have created a very versatile tank, capable of sub ohm vaping as well as being able to vape mouth to lung.
The new stainless steel coil heads are interesting and the 0.4ohm coil for us produced great flavor, whereas the 0.3ohm didn’t.
The 1.8 ohm coil is a great addition and will make the Triton a great option for those looking for a new mouth to lung tank. I think the flavor on the Triton 1.8ohm coil was a lot better than on the Nautilus BVC coils and better than those on the Joyetech Ego One.
The top filling function is a great addition to the tank and the air flow is fantastic. The overall build quality is great, but I still think the price is slightly on the high side.
Going forward I would like to see the RBA section as part of the kit, as in that case I think the $50 is a much more reasonable amount.
Overall the Aspire Triton is a great tank; however I still think there are some areas for improvement!

Chris Kendell is the co-founder of Le Monde de la Vape. He started the website with his brother and co-founder Alex in 2014, after Alex introduced him to vaping. Chris was immediately won over by the revolutionary and potentially lifesaving impacts that vaping can have on our society. In his minuscule spare time, you can find Chris travelling and exploring new places from his base in Germany, eating delicious food and enjoying a range of different sports.
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